Friday, March 28, 2014

The Journey Begins

The bags are packed.  The car is fueled.  The audio books are ready to play.  I am ready for an adventure!  I haven't taken a road trip alone like this in a really long time.  It looks to be a pretty boring drive; mostly toll roads and turnpike.  At least it will be daylight.  I'm hoping for clear skies and good weather.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Break: Time to Dig In and Research!

I am so excited!  One of the many blessings of being an educator are those tiny slices of heaven that fall every few months: vacation!  Spring vacation comes at a time when everyone, including the very earth we walk on needs a break.  The winter was tough.  One of the snowiest on record.  This morning on my way to the gym, I heard something I haven't heard in months: birds.  Lots of birds.  They were chirping with the sun as it rose slow and steady in the east. 

This spring break is going to be different for me.  I will be embarking on an epic journey in which I'll be doing some serious research for upcoming projects. 

My travels will take me from WI to Baltimore, MD.  From there I'll journey to Washington D.C. and eventually through Columbus and Dayton Ohio and then closing the loop back in WI. 

I am planning to journal about the work and visits I have planned.  Right now I am so excited about having some time off I could pop!