Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Well, let's get this party started!  Welcome to my blog.  I have had many blogs over the years, but I intend to have this blog be where I write about all things writing related.  Ideas, tips musings, wonderings and the like. 

Who am I?  I'm a Library Media Specialist at Hubbard Woods Elementary School in Winnetka, IL.   I've been an educator for the past 21 years; the last four have been as the RC Director here at Hubbard Woods School.  Prior to that, I had taught in the same building for 11 years in 3rd and 4th grade.  So, I come to my position with a great deal of experience in teaching children.  I've had the good fortune of working with all ages, from university students to pre-schoolers and I love them all.

In my role here as the RC Director, I like to describe my job like this:  I am in charge of all the books and computers in the building.  That's the simple way of saying it, but under that is the implication that I'm guiding the technology instruction and book selection for the school.  I often feel like I'm wearing many hats, but I love my job and am thrilled to be in this business at this time.  I try to find thoughtful and logical ways to support students and staff with both books and technology.  It's not always an easy 'dance.' 

This is one view of the amazing space I work in at Hubbard Woods School.  

 It truly is a beautiful school.  The library has a working fireplace that we use many times throughout the year.  It makes it easy to help kids learn to love reading and books because the space screams out to snuggle in and read a book.

A few months ago, I decided that I would dig in and start trying to make my dream of becoming a children's author come to life.  I started by doing what I always do: read everything I could get my hands on about writing.  Thanks to the internet, that is a much easier task.  I found a wealth of support and compassion on Facebook in the private writing groups that exist on there. More on those late, but for now lets just say that they helped me believe I could do it.

My goal as a writer is to become a published children's author.  Right now I've got at least six manuscripts in process.  They span the gamut from a silly story about a narwhal to gripping account of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.  My passion is history.  I love learning about ordinary people and how they dealt with the challenges time gave them.  I particularly love doing research.

Well, that's enough for a 'first post.'  In the future, I hope to write about my process, my techniques and maybe most importantly my failures and successes. 

I hope you'll be along for the ride!

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